
About Stef Kling

I grew up in Holland, and from an early age I knew that a "normal" life was not for me. After wild adventures in Ocean Racing,  a career in IT Project Management & Interim Management, I ended up living in England. Gradually I let go of the business world and started helping people on their spiritual journey.

In 2015 I had an intense awakening experience in two waves: the first wave was Emptiness, the second was Bliss.

For a few weeks I experienced what it means to be enlightened. It was a deeply profound experience that changed me forever. 

Once I returned to a more "normal" state I started processing what had happened, and how this had happened. With the help of my guides I have gained a new insight into the process of enlightenment.

The insights are so profound and so clear, that I am surprised that nobody is talking about this, and that it took me 20 years to see it! 


My first book "Empiness and Bliss" is now out on Amazon.  It describes my experiences in detail, and focusses on the five core principles of spiritual growth that I learned from the experience.

I am all about mastery of high frequency living - Emptiness and Bliss.

My 3 key guiding principles are: Purity, Mastery, Love

What I love is: music, dance, nature, beauty, sailing, photography, prana, meditation, super consciousness, healing, compassion, unconditional love, dogs, cats, people.

Some of the skills I developed in almost 30  years of spiritual growth are (in chronological order):

  • Reiki Master (Usui & Tibetan Reiki)
  • Channeling using Automatic Writing
  • Aura Reading
  • I trained with Drunvalo Melchizedek: Flower of Life (Merkaba meditation) & Living in the Heart
  • Thorough grounding in psychology: Psychosynthesis
  • Ho'oponopono (Hawaiian healing practice)
  • The Healing Code
  • The Emotion Code
  • Recapitulation (Toltec healing practice)
  • Buddhism and Zen
  • Studying masters like Krishnamurti, Osho, Mooji, Echkart Tolle, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi
  • Tibetan Buddhism Highest Yoga Tantra
  • Tummo meditation
  • Various forms of breathwork
  • Living on Prana (2019)
  • Tibetan Tantra ongoing deepening (2018 - now)
  • Big Heart Big Mind process
  • Divine Love Kundalini Activation facilitator (2024)

Please contact me if you would like to discuss how I can help you. I will be honored to assist you on your journey.


With love,
